Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Summer Workin'

This whole school year, I have been blogging about work, but the thing is, work is completely different in the summer. First of all, you get to wear short sleeved shirts. My personal perspiration problem thanks Freddy's for that kind gesture. It also is much nicer for the customer when the oozing globs of sweat that run from my forehead don't drip into their food. Then, I have to say, "Sorry, I will get you a knew chicken." It is very awkward. The second thing that is different is that I obviously have more time to work. Whenever I am scheduled more, it seems like the hours can either go by faster or slower depending on how I feel. If I am in a mood to socialize in be friendly, I enjoy being at work and the time flies. If I feel like sitting in a corner by myself, night shifts are fine, but day shifts are awful. I actually have to pretend to be happy.

Another major difference between summer and school hours is that it is busier. People have more time on their hands to go to the grocery store and yell at me because I do not know where the roasted peanuts are (and who really knows where those are? Aisle 6, apparently). The night shifts are much busier on summer weekdays because children do not have to worry about waking up at 5:30 the next morning. It is nicer when it is busier because time moves faster when I am not looking at the clock every five seconds, still I do not like the awkward run-ins with people who I know but are not really my friends. Social situations while in uniform almost always result in awkwardness.

The biggest difference between summer and school hours is that I usually do not dread going to work. Since it is summer, I know there are barely any responsibilities I need to take care of before or after work which makes Freddy's that much more enjoyable. Sure, sometimes it messes with my plans, but I can usually find someone to cover a shift for me. The people of Freddy's are nice, hard-working people who have my back. Unless is there's a ten dollar bill taped to it, in which case, I would immediately start running cause the pay isn't great.

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