Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I Have Incredible Work Ethic

I would like to talk about long nights. Not the kind of long night where you stay up late partying until Ke$ha tells you to keep it down. I am talking about those long nights when you have a big project due the next day. I would like to take you through a timeline of what a long night looks like for me. First of all, I get home and I take a nap. It's obviously been a very tiring day. The nap lasts for about two hours so it's about five right now. Then, I decide that it's too close to dinner time to really get started on something. I wait for my parents to get home at about 5:15 and they tell me that i should just make something myself. I am extremely upset about this, so I spend the next fifteen minutes complaining about the fact that we never go out to eat anymore. Then, for another fifteen minutes I get lectured about how much money we have and I end up eating a bowl of cereal. I linger with my cereal and finally my mom tells me to quit dillydallying and go finish my homework. I scamper upstairs and start.

Here's how I start: I get on Facebook. I check my news feed to see if anything exciting or dramatic has happened in the last few hours since I have checked it. Then, I watch some of my favorite YouTube videos. If it's Friday, I will be entertained by the musical talents of Ms. Rebecca Black. Then, I write an introduction for whatever it I am writing. Then, I have done a lot of work so I decide it is time for a break. By this time it is 8:30 and I am downstairs eating a freezepop. It takes a while and Family Guy is on so I have to stay and watch the full episode. At 9:00, I start to get scared. I begin to write the main part of what I am working on. My eyelids fall closed slowly. I realize I am drifting, but I fight through the pain. Pretty soon, half of the body is done and it is...12:30. I decide that I can't do it all right now, so I am going to take two hour naps and do a part of the project after each one. I go to sleep and never wake up again. When the alarm goes off at 2:30, I decide, "I'll just turn it in late." And I do. The End.

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