Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Penultimate Year

Show choir is over. For the year! We had such a great year! This year, we received three grand champions. The amazing part is that after ten of our group members made bad choices, we still managed to win two more grand championships without them. We had our going out concert two weeks ago and it was quite emotional. We had grown extremely close as a choir and nobody wanted to see the seniors leave. At the end of going out concert, we all sang the song "Forever" which we only learned once, but it didn't matter. We all understood the message that true friends are forever and will never leave.

Anyway, now that this year's show choir season is over, it is time to look towards next year. We recently had auditions and the lists were posted the day after the choir banquet. There was a certain amount of drama when it comes to the list (as there always is), but not as much as past years, it seemed. I am very excited for next year. Based on the list, we have a very strong group of singers and dancers. Plus, I am excited to be a senior and experience all of the things that seniors got to do, such as going up on stage to accept awards.

It is not just choir that I am excited to be a senior for. In the drama department, it always seems like junior year is the year that you have to prove yourself and if you do, senior year runs pretty smoothly. I will finally be able to sit on the senior bench, but I don't think that I will have much time to do that with all of the AP tests I am taking. Senior year should be a blast and i can't wait to be top dog at the school. Still, I remember when seniors would look down on me so I am going to try and be as nice as possible to underclassmen.

I have a great junior year and I will be sad to leave high school, but it seems like senior year is the one that everyone remembers. It's the time when you make the friends you stay in contact with during college and when you decide where and what you want to go to college for. I have yet to decide if I want to do theatre in college. On one hand, I love to do it and it makes me happy, but, on the other hand, it might not provide a stable job for me. Otherwise, I will probably do something in business.

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