Friday, April 15, 2011


Happy Birthday, Emma Watson! Today is your special day, and, guess what, it's Friday! Friday! GOTTA get down on Friday! I bet you're lookin' forward to the weekend. Weekend. As we all know, Emma Watson is a character that Hermoine Granger plays in real life. Hermoine is so smart. She has tricked several people into thinking that Emma Watson is her real personality. Well played, Hermy, well played. Still, I see straight through her clever disguise. Harry Potter is real and so are all of his friends. In order to celebrate your birthday, let us take a look back at some of your finest moments.

1. Remember that time turner you used? Not only did it help you remain a top-notch AP student, but you also helped save the hyppogriff and Sirius Black. Your dedication to your schoolwork is inspiring to many and raises the standards of those who get accepted into Hogwarts.

2. Wingardium leviosa? No, it's wingardium leviosAH.  HAHAHA. You're so funny. You pay such attention to detail that nothing gets by you. Now that you're another year older, let's hope that eyesight doesn't fade.

3. Who could forget all of the intimate and beautiful moments that you shared with Ronald Weasley? Well, i certainly didn't. Not even Lavender Brown could break you two apart. Ain't no love like a Ron-Hermoine love because a Ron-Hermoine love don't stop.

4. I know this is a list of your finest moments, but I would just like to address that weird, sexual scene in the seventh movie between you and Harry. Nah uh, not happenin'. You and Ronald are meant to be together. You have finally found a ginger that isn't crazy or a serial killer. Hold onto him and never let him go. You can name one of your kids Harry, I don't care, just keep the touching to a minimum. Thanks.

5. You punched Draco in the face! Alright, gurl! You were overworked, tired, and annoyed outta yo' mind. So, when he let his snippy little tongue run wild, you popped one right in the kisser. Looked like it hurt. Well played, Hermoine's fists of fury, well played. 

So, there's your life in a nutshell. Now that you are 21, don't go too crazy! There's only so much butterbeer in the world, start off slow.

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