Sunday, October 10, 2010

It's Not Over Till SlimShaney Sings...

Remember that blog I made last week about the musical I am in, The Fantasticks? Well, the run of it was this weekend. I have to say, I actually enjoyed this one. My part was perfect for me. I was an overenthusiastic, old actor who wants everyone to know who he is. I got very positive feedback about my role from both the audience laughter and comments after the show. In the end, I was very proud of the entire cast, crew, and directors.

Not only did I do well, and trust me, I did pretty well (I am just kidding about the cocky attitude, by the way), but the entire show was very well done. The two fathers did excellent and were cast well in the parts given to them. The girl, Luisa, has a very beautiful voice and has incredible acting potential. Matt, the boy, is also a talented singer and can do back flips! How cool is that?! The Mute may not have any lines, but her facial expressions are so priceless that I can't look at her without laughing. Finally, the kid who plays El Gallo, the narrator, is a great actor and singer who really does a wonderful job of bringing the whole show together and taking us on a "fantastick" journey.

The next stop in the road: we take it to the thespian festival I was talking about earlier. It will be difficult. We have to change the entire set so that it fits a different type of stage than the one that we used. This means that the show will have to be re-blocked and teched again. It was hard enough the first time. The fact that the play is still performing also means more rehearsal. The director has given us this next week off, but once we get back to practice, he will be roaring to go. I imagine more yelling and cursing than the first time.

Also, in order to pay for the cost of this festival, the director has asked us to fundraise these coupon books. I am fundraised out! Some people do not understand how difficult it is to get people to buy the things you are selling. No matter how great you think the deal is, it might not be to them. Still, despite the extra hassle it may lay on me, I am excited to be performing at this festival. It sounds like a great opportunity to showcase the show and MY incredible talent (again, just kidding).

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