Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Quick Introduction

It was difficult to think of what to blog about. Whenever I would start brainstorming, a bunch of different questions would pop into my mind. What if that idea is stupid? Am I going to have enough to write about? Will my mom see this?

Eventually, I decided that I would write about my job. Currently, I am working as a cashier at a store called Freddy's (to preserve both my job and the store's privacy, I have obviously changed the name...the actual name is Krueger's...just kidding). During my job, I encounter several different situations and people who make life very interesting.

Show choir is one of the main activities that I participate in, so I am thinking that once show choir season rolls around, I may start writing about that, too. We'll see how things turn out.

Harry Potter may also make its way into some of my blogs, because to not do so would be a crime against nature. With the penultimate movie coming out this November, my focus often finds its way back to Hogwarts, somehow.

So, that's about it. Enjoy.

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